Sunken Temple

Welcome to the submerged world of ‘Sunken Temple’. Move with the tentacles and feelers belonging to spinning creatures of silver and gold. Where waking dreams and sonic whirlpools swirl with artefacts turned to dust, where memory sings from the depths.

Last night…. I dreamt of ​her…..


Created by Erin Lang & Samuel Hall

Camera, Art Direction and Editing by Erin Lang

Sunken Temple

Expedition 1

First in a series of artefacts found in the Sunken Temple. Exploring electro-acoustic preparations of the drumkit, sound systems, and layered rhythms


Sunken Temple

Expedition 2

Second in a series of artefacts found in the Sunken Temple. Exploring electro-acoustic preparations of the drumkit, sound systems, and layered rhythms


Available for one on one lessons in Berlin, Germany or via video chat.


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